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Pedicures Find The Best Care Near You

Pedicures: Find the Best Care Near You

What is a Medical Pedicure?

A medical pedicure, also known as a medi-pedi, is a clinical version of a salon pedicure. It is based on a medical model of care that focuses on the health of the feet and nails. A medical pedicure is typically performed by a podiatrist or other healthcare professional who has been trained in foot care.

Benefits of Medical Pedicures

Medical pedicures offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved foot health
  • Relief from foot pain
  • Treatment for foot conditions, such as ingrown toenails, heel spurs, and plantar fasciitis
  • Improved nail health
  • Relaxation and stress relief

Medical pedicures are a safe and effective way to improve the health and appearance of your feet. If you are experiencing foot pain or other foot problems, talk to your doctor to see if a medical pedicure may be right for you.


Medical pedicures are a great way to keep your feet healthy and looking their best. By choosing a reputable salon and following these tips, you can be sure that your medical pedicure will be a safe and enjoyable experience.
